
Positioning of ophthalmic clinics: How to do it?

#medical marketing
#Marketing for clinics
#seo for doctors
#ophthalmic clinics
Published on: 29/10/2023 6 mins read

Let's start by telling you that when we talk about the positioning of products and services of a company, we refer to:

"The place they occupy in the minds of users or patients, in relation to the rest of the competition, determining the consolidation of the brand and its recognition."

Therefore, positioning itself is a variable that increases customer loyalty and the intention to purchase products or services. It serves as an indicator of the level of acceptance that the business has among its audiences.

Now, in the field of marketing for ophthalmic clinics, positioning refers to the online presence these clinics have through their digital platform, thus standing out in their web positioning.

And why do we want to have good web positioning?

To appear in the first results when someone makes a query on a search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo.

→ The higher a website is in search results, the more likely users are to visit it. Consequently, we attract traffic to the page, increase brand visibility, and generate leads and conversions.

5 Foundations of Effective Positioning

Marketing experts agree on something: what makes a brand valuable or relevant is its positioning in the minds of consumers.

Let's consider an example. You're walking in the park, feeling hot, and you want to refresh yourself with a soda.

Which brand will undoubtedly come to your mind?

Does the red label with white letters seem familiar?

Top of mind.

That is being in the consumer's mind and "being the first choice to consider."

To apply this to the medical field, specifically to ophthalmic clinics, you will need to consider these 5 foundations in your business.

1. They must remember you for something specific

Positioning is placing the brand in the minds of consumers, creating its difference in the perception of the buyer or consumer of the product/service offered.

Time for analysis, study, and reflection…

What is your differentiator? How do you want to be remembered? What makes your services different from other ophthalmic clinics in your area?

2. The identity of your business

To be remembered, you must have a defined identity.

So, we recommend designing the clinic's image, its services, and differences, considering your patient at all times.

What they want to achieve and obtain that you can provide.

3. Determine the market, segment, or niche

All communication from your clinic must be tailored to your audience, their needs, desires, and aspirations.

Understanding this will allow you to penetrate their minds because you deliver or communicate what they need or are looking for.

Knowing your audience is also crucial to direct all marketing actions of your company to them.

4. Present your offer irresistibly

And by offer, I don't mean discounts but the advantages, benefits, and solutions that your product or service provides to the customer.

Don't talk about how good you are; talk about how you can help your client achieve what he or she desires.

The goal is to show what you can do for him/her.

5. Show your client the value you deliver

Positioning involves merging the attributes that consumers intrinsically associate with your brand and contrasting it with the competing brand in an indirect way.

For example, our sales pages contrast the efficiency and specialization of our medical marketing services with those agencies that make you invest a lot of money in advertising without seeing results.

We are not accusing anyone in particular, but we are being very honest about the differences between the experience you can have with them and the results that our team will deliver.

Highlight your differentiator, "marketing that sells," and, consequently, saves you time, effort, and money (as well as a couple of headaches).

You must be able to clearly show that value in the offer.

Positioning of Ophthalmic Clinics: How to Do It?

How to manage the web positioning of an ophthalmic clinic?

As it is obvious, online presence is the hub of all marketing efforts for ophthalmic clinics or any other field.

Undoubtedly, your patients will connect to the internet to get more information about you and your services before setting foot in your office.

Therefore, optimizing the online presence and web positioning of ophthalmic clinics (meaning, being among the first in web search lists) will ensure that your patients can find you before finding the competition.

How do you achieve this? Here are the steps you must follow.

1. Create a website that sells

All your marketing efforts should aim at a central location or website.

Although it involves a significant investment, your website will be that "virtual office" through which you can stay in direct contact with real and potential patients, while providing them with information 24 hours a day.

Strategically planned, designed, and built pages are the ones that sell.

2. Responsive website

Another important point in the strategy is to have a responsive website, meaning, it works and looks perfectly fine on both mobile and desktop.

Ease of navigation from any device improves the user experience and increases the chances that your patients spend more time on your website.

3. SEO management

Undoubtedly, implementing SEO strategies correctly will yield long-term results.

This involves optimizing the website and all content to reach more patients for free through search engines.

Medical SEO is your best ally when it comes to positioning yourself as a leader in the market.

4. Original content

Quality content is crucial in search engine rankings.

In this regard, we recommend always publishing original content that demonstrates your expertise in the ophthalmic field and is directed towards what your patients are looking for.

Original, useful, and relevant content is key to improving your chances of ranking in relevant searches.

5. Local listings

Local listings are necessary for patients to find you in your area. So, register your clinic in different local directories and health platforms.

We also recommend implementing other local SEO strategies:

  • Ensure you optimize your online presence with relevant local keywords.
  • Keep your information consistent across all listings.
  • Don't forget reviews! Encourage your patients to leave positive comments as they not only improve your visibility but also build trust.

With a strong local SEO, you'll be in the sights of those looking for quality ophthalmic services in your area.

6. Create a blog

Generating current content that addresses users' searches is an advanced strategy to reach more patients.

This content should be published in a blog embedded in your website; the information you share in it should be different from the rest of the pages on your website.

Essentially, the blog is not intended for direct selling; it is a tool that provides value and answers your patients' questions.

In other words, it is a way to inform patients about ophthalmic innovations, visual health tips, relevant information about services, treatment, diseases, and more.

7. Review sites

Another important way to attract patients is through review sites, where your current and past patients can leave comments about the quality of care they received at your clinic.

This will attract new potential patients to you when they search for ophthalmic services.

8. Respond to comments

Lastly, interact with users and patients through comments. As part of your strategy, include having someone responsible for answering their questions, posting regularly, and providing information when requested.

Remember that comments are an opportunity to connect with your patients.


If you need more guidance to consolidate your online presence, remember that at Medical Marketing, we can help you connect with your patients and design a suitable marketing plan for your clinic.