
Medical SEO Agency

Unlocking New SEO Strategies for Attracting Patients on Google Without Breaking the Bank

Taking Your Website to Page #1, or You Don't Pay Until We Do!

Updated: October 14, 2024

Practice-Based Evidence: SEO.

On this page, you'll learn how to acquire patients for free.

Using Google...

  • 100 clicks = 100 interested patients who found you on Google.

Just like in this example:

In our medical field:

Google SEO brings in top-quality patients.

If you've invested in social media marketing, you'll know that filling your schedule is easier than prescribing an aspirin...

The problem?

It's even easier for not a single decent patient to show up for consultation (Practice-Based Evidence).

This can be due to various reasons, but the bottom line is that:

Time and money are wasted on low-quality patients.

This is how we rank patient quality (from highest to lowest):

  • Referred patients (the best).
  • SEO patients (explained on this page).
  • Google Ads patients.
  • Facebook, Instagram, TikTok Ads patients.

The problem?

The highest quality ones, the referrals, can't be scaled.

The rest can.

The exponential growth hidden in SEO:

SEO patients meet two very important criteria:

  • They are high-quality.
  • They can be acquired in as many numbers as there are Google searches.

In this case, for example:
We increased website visits from 100 a day to 700 a day, in one year.

But let me guess...

You've already tried SEO in the past.

Whether with an agency, a freelancer, or a self-proclaimed 'SEO expert.'

They promised you the world, and at most, they delivered an atlas 😜.

Or perhaps, your website ranked on Google, bringing in:

New leads, potential patients, sales...

But suddenly, a change in Google's algorithm, and...

* BAM *

Back to square one.

Regardless of your story, you can't let your competition take all the free traffic from Google.

Book 30 minutes with one of our experts to assess the current SEO of your website and keep that traffic flowing.

Click below to get started.

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Not being in the top positions of Google is bad, but...

do you know what's worse?

The average CPC on Google has almost tripled in the last 3 years!

And it will keep going up.

But let's not blame only Google Ads.

Our good friend Zuck is also rubbing his hands, as the CPC on Facebook has doubled in the last 12 months!

It seems like Google and META are competing to see who can take more money from us...

But hold on tight to your chair because the fun doesn't end here:

It's expected to double again next year!

And these costs don't look like they're slowing down in the near future.

But not everything is going to be bad news.

In a world where everyone seems determined to empty our pockets...

SEO arrived!

Once you reach the top positions on Google, you can have a constant flow of patients without the need to invest every month in Google or Facebook Ads.

If you don't want to depend on paid campaigns forever...

You can start by booking a strategic session with our team.

We will explain EVERYTHING, and you can also ask whatever you want 😉.

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Free Only This Month | Valued at $490

It gets more serious every time, and in the end...

You fell into the trap: Google's master plan

Again and again...

The endless updates of the Google algorithm keep hitting you hard (Penguin, Hummingbird, Medic...).

And with each of them, the number of leads coming in through SEO plummets.

And then your reaction is:

I've had enough!

SEO is too difficult...

And without further ado, after a dramatic farewell, you shift your SEO budget to Google Ads.

And once again...

Google's master plan worked perfectly, and they get away with it again.

You see, if you're tired of the #NeverEndingRise in Google Ads cost per click...

And you want to position your website in the #1 spot on Google to attract patients for free...

Then, SEO is the best INVESTMENT you can make in your business.


And the sooner you start, the better.

Click the button below, enter your details, and let's start by explaining the hidden potential behind medical SEO.

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Free Only This Month | Valued at $490

But, why would you believe us? Here's what you have next...


Frequently Asked Questions about SEO for Doctors

Finding a Medical SEO Agency can be quite challenging. And it's no wonder.

SEO is a powerful tool that can either destroy your business (if you already have traffic) or bring in more traffic than you can handle as a company.

You might wonder, how can search engine optimization be a powerful tool that can either destroy your business (if you already have traffic) or bring in more traffic than you can handle as a company.

You should look for a medical SEO agency that can help you climb positions on Google safely.

Here at Medical Marketing, we have earned a reputation for being one of the best medical SEO agencies with results to prove it...

And even more importantly, we have been using techniques for Google ranking that are completely secure for years.

You can book a strategic session with our team so we can show you everything we apply for our clients.

The cost of medical SEO will depend on various factors, including:

  • The domain authority of your website, for example, in our case, it would be the power our domain holds:
  • How competitive your industry is. It's not the same to rank for a plastic surgeon as it is for a bariatric surgeon.
  • The difficulty of the keyword or keyphrase you want to rank for on Google.
  • The speed at which you want to achieve results.

The reality is that reaching the top positions on Google is not easy, and therefore, it often comes with a price tag that can be high.

As a general rule, be cautious with SEO agencies that offer SEO packages.

You can rule out companies that offer SEO services in the form of packages. The reason is that each business has unique needs.

To work on SEO, it's essential to consider the characteristics of each business and, above all, the history of each domain being worked on.

Opting for an SEO package instead of a tailored SEO strategy carries risks and, in 99% of cases, may not yield results.

Book a strategic SEO session with one of our experts to audit your business or explain the different options available to rank your website in the top positions on Google.

Anyone who says 'SEO no longer works' or 'SEO is dead' has likely encountered an 'expert' or SEO agency that simply didn't know what they were doing.

We encounter this situation constantly:

Clients come to us after being literally robbed by SEO specialists.

They subscribe to an SEO specialist with 'experts' who only enter WordPress, install YoastSEO, and change the meta title.

Our techniques for ranking on Google go far beyond on-page SEO.

And to answer the question, Yes, SEO still works and is one of the best investments you can make in your business.

Start the form now to book a strategic SEO session with one of our experts.

This is where most self-proclaimed 'SEO experts' will start telling you that they can't guarantee results, that 'it depends on the budget and competitors'... Not us.

At Medical Marketing, we provide you with certainty. We guarantee that you will be on the first page of Google in 90 days.

And the best part? If we don't achieve it within the stipulated time, we will continue working for free until you are on the first page

The goal will be to increase the rankings or positions on Google for the terms or keywords relevant to you.

We will analyze all your competitors in the area where you offer services and develop an SEO strategy to help you increase the organic positions of your website.

Once we have all this, we will start working on the SEO of your website, focusing on on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO.

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